SWAN is a fantastical dark-comedy-slash-ghost story that follows Richard, an eighteen-year-old Korean-American closeted transmasc who is forced to confront his desire to come out and embrace his identity after being visited by Swan, a mysterious voice who haunts Richard’s dreams. Swan leads Richard through eerie landscapes that blend dream and reality, showing him the futures he could have if he came out--and the one he’s doomed to if he doesn’t. Desperate to tamp down these desires he didn’t even know he had, Richard turns to, of all things, detransition Youtube. Aiden, a white thirty-something who claims to have also received dream visions from Swan, but to have gotten rid of his visions and overcome his transmasc identity, tries to convince Richard to stay in the closet and live a normal life, while Swan forces Richard to confront his fear of the future, again and again. Richard is pushed to the breaking point, and must weigh the consequences of coming out to his family and giving up everything he’s ever known, with a desperate need to be understood, desired, and loved. SWAN asks the question: If you had to give up everything you knew, everyone you loved, to be something you didn’t understand…would you do it?